Plucking Lou Harrison
317 Los Liones Dr | Pacific Palisades, CA 90272
| general $25, seniors/students $15
(There is no parking at Villa Aurora. Please park at Los Liones (just off of Sunset Blvd.) The Villa shuttle starts one hour before the program.)
Harp Suite #2 (1996)
Sonatas I & II (1943) for Harpsichord
Harp Suite #1
Sonatas III & IV (1943) for Harpsichord
Serenade for Guitar & Percussion (1978)
Sonatas V & VI (1943) for Harpsichord
Suite for Sangen (1996)
Summerfield Set (1988) for Harpsichord
Scenes from Nek Chand (2002)
Music for Violin & Various Instruments European, Asian, & African (1967-69)
Gloria Cheng - harpsichord
Alison Bjorkedal - harp, mbira
John Schneider - guitars, mbira
TJ Troy - percussion
Shalini Vijayan - violin
Kozue Matsumoto - shamisen, mbira, koto
Celebrate Lou Harrison’s Centennial with a bouquet of plucked delights played by Grammy winning musicians Gloria Cheng/harpsichord, Alison Bjorkedal/harp, John Schneider/guitars, and TJ Troy/percussion. They will be joined by special guests Shalini Vijayan/violin, Kozue Matsumoto/shamisen & koto in LA’s first performance of his Music for Violin & Various Instruments European, Asian, & African (1967).

Villa Aurora interior

Villa Aurora exterior

Gloria Cheng